About The Blog

Ever since I started taking classes for my major, my professors have been emphasizing the importance of marketing oneself. They talk about social media, cleaning up facebook pages and most importantly, starting a blog.
I've never really been into blogs. I think some of them are great and if you have a particularly interesting life, go for it. Me on the other hand, not so much. I'm a pretty average student just trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Now that it is my senior year, it's time to take my professors' advice so I have started a blog. I sat down to figure out what to write about and I thought about all the things I love: travel, writing, reading, designing layouts and spending time with family and friends. Then I thought, of all the things I love to do, what do I actually DO the most? Study the publication industry.
I spend 12 hours a week listening to professors talk about it, 10 hours a week experiencing it first hand and about five hours a week reading about it. It fascinates me. I am so excited to be entering an industry at a time where there is so much uncertainty.
People constantly tell me that I am getting into a a rocky industry that may not exist in a few years. I always tell them how wrong they are. People will always read magazines, newspapers and books it is just the way they will be reading them and how the companies will make money that will change. 
So I hope you enjoy my thoughts, musings and experiences studying publications, working for them and hopefully, one day running my own.