Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Websites and Boobies

On Monday October 3, Arianna Huffinton introduced some new Huffington Post websites. These websites include Huff/Post 50, Huff Post High School, Huff Post Weddings and Huff Post Gay Voices.

This afternoon, I've been exploring these sites and reading a couple articles. Huff Post High School has some good advice on college applications, some pictures of celebrities and a few Homecoing videos. I don't know how many high school kids would use this as a source of information but it is a cute attempt to attract some younger readers.

Of all these sites, I found my favorite article on Huff/Post 50. It was an article about boobs.

The Splendors of Boobs by Lee Woodruff is a fun, easy read and perfect for a Saturday afternoon. It goes though different terms for boobs and gives explanations for each one. Hooters, The Girls and Tatas made the list along with some other classics but even boobies was left off.

Check it out and let me know what you think and enjoy this clip from my all time favorite TV show.

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