Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The 3 Rs of Journalism

We all know the 3 Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle.

In the world of journalism the R words are bad words. Content must be new, fresh and always updated. You would never re post a status, so why should you republish an article? Been there, read that, on to the next.

That's not what leaders at the New Yorker think.

The iPad allows publications to distribute content at little to no cost. Plus, the labor for the articles is already done, so what have you got to lose? Nothing. The profit can only go up.

That's what's going on at the New Yorker. They are organizing old content into groups and republishing it on the iPad. The project started with "At the Ballpark", a collection of baseball articles dating back to 1929. Now there is also golf and sustainability collections, only available on the iPad.

These collections are especially appealing to advertisers looking to target wealthy readers and associate themselves with specific topics.

Even though online news has created an environment in which people get their news instantly, it has also created an environment in which news and be reused and recycled.

Check out the original article.

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